Vertigraph continues to grow worldwide. The Vertigraph team constantly improves while delivering the best technology, products, value and support.
Drawing Compare Released
Drawing Compare clearly isolates the changes made to an existing raster drawing file.
BidScreen XL v8 & SiteWorx/OS v8 Released
The product portfolio has been progressively enriched through the years by implementing the latest technology to fulfill customer and marketplace demands.
SiteWorx/OS Released
SiteWorx/OS is the first to takeoff excavation quantities on-screen from PDF files.
BidScreen XL Released
BidScreen XL is the first to provide on-screen measuring from PDF and CAD files directly in Excel.
BidPoint XL Released
BidPoint XL is the first to add digitizer takeoff directly to Microsoft Excel. Quickly became the industry leader in paper plan digitizing.
BidPoint Released as a Stand-Alone Product
BidPoint, the Excel like spreadsheets found in BidWorx for Windows, released as a stand-alone product that delivered digitizer tablet takeoff to the rapidly growing spreadsheet estimating marketplace.
New BidWorx for Windows Released
BidWorx for Windows is the first software to combine a powerful relational database with Excel compatible takeoff spreadsheets.
Vertigraph, Inc. Incorporated
Vertigraph, Inc. incorporated February 25, 1991 in Dallas, Texas. Acquired source code and rights of BidWorx Takeoff and Estimating software.