“I love BidScreen XL and I’ve built a bad-ass takeoff and estimating spreadsheet over the years. BidScreen XL is simple, effective and it drops everything I need into my Excel workbook. I have investigated all of the leading estimating programs and I’ve found that, by far, Excel with BidScreen XL can’t be beat. BidScreen and the support is terrific.”
DI Build
Jason Schnurr, Vice-President
“As a general contractor, I use BidScreen XL for the architectural takeoffs. BidScreen works really well and it is worth the money. I’ve tried many programs in the past including Timberline. BidScreen with Excel is the best by far.”
Ranco Construction, Inc.
Shekar M., Chief Estimator
New Jersey
“I’ve been using the BidScreen XL software approximately 3 days per week for over ten years. I like it because the takeoff and the color coded drawing goes right into Excel.”
Keyah Construction, Inc.
Harry S., President
“We are a residential and commercial general contractor that does approximately $10 million in annual revenues. We have between two and five projects being built at one time with as many as 25 people in the field. I use BidScreen XL and Excel together to create detailed carpentry takeoffs and budgets for the other trades. I have used Vertigraph software since 2006 and the BidScreen XL product since 2011. Excel with BidScreen XL is the best thing going by far. I use Excel extensively and I have been trained on many estimating programs and found them to be junk. Most estimating programs are not written by estimators, they are written by code monkeys that do not come close to providing the information that Excel with BidScreen XL provides. Our Excel based executive summary provides a complete lumber list with tie downs, nails, screws, glue and everything needed to frame the building. This material list is then provided to the lumberyards for pricing and purchasing. I also tie down the subcontractor trades and truly know my costs. Nobody in the area likes bidding against us. Since I know my costs, everybody knows I can get lean and mean on the bids. Excel with BidScreen XL is totally customizable and generates the information the way I want and need. I provide the BidScreen XL color coded takeoff sheets with annotations to our guys in the field. These color coded takeoff plans reduce mistakes and our guys in the field are much more productive as a result. BidScreen XL is an outstanding investment and an outstanding product. I highly recommend Excel with BidScreen.”
B&H General Contractors
Casey W.
“Once you know how it works, BidScreen is a useful tool. It is especially ideal for Excel estimators. I like using the the keyboard short cut keys to save time and mouse movements. I have used On-Screen Takeoff in the past and I do recommend BidScreen over the OST software.”
West Coast Drywall & Paint
Colin L., Project Manager & Estimator
Stephens & Smith is consistently ranked by Concrete Construction magazine as one of the top 100 most successful concrete construction companies in the nation.
“We are using BidScreen XL with our internally developed Excel spreadsheet. We have over 10 BidScreen XL licenses and everybody loves it.”
Stephens & Smith Construction Co., Inc.
Darrell B., Senior Estimator
“I use BidScreen XL everyday, all day long. I really like the program, and I’ve learned some cool tricks that makes it quick and easy. We use our own Excel estimating spreadsheet, and it is nice how the takeoff and the color coded drawing are stored with the cell. I also like how I can print the color coded takeoffs for reference. Compared to other takeoff programs, BidScreen is easier and a lot less cluttered. It is the best program for takeoffs I have ever used.”
Complete Paving Group LLC
Amanda T., Estimator
“I’ve been using BidScreen XL for thirteen years and I like it a lot. You know why I like it? It’s because its simple. Not overly complicated. It does exactly what its supposed to do. Absolutely, I recommend BidScreen XL.”
Stuart James Construction, Inc.
Brent W.
“As a commercial landscape contractor, we use our own Excel template with BidScreen to figure labor and material costs. BidScreen XL does exactly what we need it to do, that is, it measures areas, lengths and quantities directly into our Excel estimating spreadsheet. We have been using BidScreen XL for over 10 years; and we do not plan on switching. Overall BidScreen XL is an excellent product.”
Shooter & Lindsey, Inc.
Mike C., Senior Estimator
“I’ve used many programs in the past and BidScreen XL is the best. It is quick and easy and does exactly what I need and want with no hassles. It is an excellent program. The visual picture of the takeoff allows me to check the quantities if there is any question.”
Mulford Cost Management
Stewart M., President
North Carolina
“As the owner, I use both BidScreen XL and SiteWorx/OS for bidding Electrical substations. I bid approximately six or seven jobs a month and use both programs for each bid. I absolutely love both programs equally. These programs drive our growths, make us competitive and I’m very busy as a result. Right now I’m doing 25 jobs, and it is now much more competitive than it was. I used to bid against three contractors, now, there as many as nine. I’m able to handle it because of the Vertigraph software. Kudos. For the money and ease of use, the Vertigraph software is perfect. Great programs.”
GA Cox Co. Inc.
Shane C., Owner
“I have developed my own Excel estimating program over many years for landscape estimating. All I need to do is enter quantities into the Excel program. BidScreen XL works perfectly with my Excel spreadsheet. BidScreen XL is fast, simple to operate, accurate and the numbers entered in the cells are easy to review. Great program. I really like it.”
Montecito Springs Landscaping
Jesse S.
“We are a high end custom home builder that also does some commercial work. BidScreen XL works well with our Excel spreadsheets. I like using Excel for estimating rather than the complicated database programs. BidScreen is a handy simple tool. I don’t want to recommend it however, because I don’t want our competitors using the product and becoming more efficient. Just kidding. BidScreen XL is a very good program.”
Giffin & Crane
Matthew M.
A.W. Hooker Associates Ltd., founded in 1975 provides excellence in independent quantity surveying and cost consulting services from an experienced and talented team of professional consultants.
“With over 20 licenses, BidScreen XL has become a mandatory tool to run our business. You guys are amazing. Highly recommend.”
Jackie A., Office Manager
“We have licensed BidScreen XL for our asphalt takeoffs and SiteWorx/OS for excavation takeoffs and both of these programs are outstanding. We also have a license of Carlson Takeoff. Before licensing the SiteWorx/OS software we had seven engineers doing takeoffs using Carlson. Now, one estimator does all of the site excavation takeoffs with SiteWorx/OS. In comparison to the Carlson software, SiteWorx is much more accurate and faster. We have found that completing a takeoff with SiteWorx/OS is four times faster in comparison with the Carlson software and it is much easier. I highly recommend both programs.”
Barrett Paving Materials, Inc.
Bradley Brinkman, Estimator
New York
“As the owner and lead estimator of a $7 million per year concrete contractor that bids retail centers, warehouses, medical offices and churches, I’ve been using Excel with BidScreen XL since 2001 for my takeoff and estimating. We are a middle size sub that bids ground-up concrete work that generally costs less than $1.5 million. I’m not a computer guy, but I think BidScreen with Excel is great. I initially started with the Vertigraph concrete template and customized it with our pricing system and other small adjustments. I often have another estimator assisting me. The beauty of our takeoff and estimating system is that anybody I hire can pick it up and learn how to use it quickly and easily. Just about everybody knows something about Excel and BidScreen is easy. In today’s market the amount of coverage on the concrete bids is substantial and the market is very competitive. The generals appreciate the consistency of our bids and as a result we do a lot of pre-bid budgeting for the GCs. Overall, BidScreen with Excel makes us more consistent, competitive and efficient. And I really enjoy using the program.”
Pulliam Concrete, Inc
Ben P., Owner
“I have been using BidScreen XL for over ten years and we have seven licenses here. I personally use BidScreen on an Apple Mac computer. I like the idea that everything is captured and done in Excel. Since we currently use Excel for our estimating, BidScreen XL is much better than other takeoff programs that require you to move back and forth between Excel and the other programs. I really do like BidScreen XL and we had good luck with the program over the years.”
Dennis P., Senior Project Manager and Estimator
“I’ve been using BidScreen XL for over ten years. I wear a lot of hats here as the sole estimator and project manager. Implementing BidScreen XL with my Excel estimating spreadsheet was so easy and smooth. I’m an old concrete guy, not a young computer jockey, and I was much more productive and efficient the very first day. Today, I can’t live without BidScreen. We do three to four million square feet of tilt-up a year, and Excel with BidScreen XL is the best by far. There is nothing comparable. BidScreen XL is an outstanding and unmatched program! If anybody is interested, please have them contact me and I’ll be more than happy to give them my thoughts and answer any questions.”
Kirra Construction Concrete Specialists
Rick B., Estimator and Project Manager
“I’m on BidScreen every day. As a general contractor, I start all estimates with an Excel template. I especially like how the BidScreen takeoff gets attached to the actual cell. We used ProEst previously and BidScreen XL is much more efficient. I also much prefer creating the estimate in Excel rather than a complicated database program. I definitely would recommend Excel with BidScreen XL over any other takeoff and estimating program.”
Freedom Enterprise, Inc.
Austin S., Estimator
“I’ve been using BidScreen XL and SiteWorx/OS for over ten years. Both of these programs meet my needs. I have no desire or need to switch programs. I use the software three times a week during the bidding season and approximately once a week when we’re busy with work. I recommend both programs since they are easy to use and they work. I have used and purchased database programs for estimating in the past such as Heavy Bid and Hard Dollar. I have learned that measuring into Excel with BidScreen and building the estimate in Excel is better, easier and I have much more control of the estimate than the more cumbersome database programs that I have used. For site excavation, doing the takeoff with SiteWorx/OS is easy, it works, and it is the best. Again, I highly recommend both programs.”
Dillon & Semenovich, Inc.
Janine G., Founder and Owner
New York
“We are a concrete contractor that has developed our own Excel estimating spreadsheet and we’ve been using Vertigraph software for over ten years. We learned that estimating concrete in Excel is vastly superior to the other takeoff and estimating type programs being sold. BidScreen XL saves us a lot a time, works directly in Excel and I like the simplicity of the software.”
Goretski Construction Co. Inc.
Paul D., Estimator