“SiteWorx/OS is a good tool for calculating cut and fill volumes. It is simple to use and provides the information we need. SiteWorx/OS is a good investment.”
Classic Site Solutions, Inc.
Nick B., Estimator
“We have licensed BidScreen XL for our asphalt takeoffs and SiteWorx/OS for excavation takeoffs and both of these programs are outstanding. We also have a license of Carlson Takeoff. Before licensing the SiteWorx/OS software we had seven engineers doing takeoffs using Carlson. Now, one estimator does all of the site excavation takeoffs with SiteWorx/OS. In comparison to the Carlson software, SiteWorx is much more accurate and faster. We have found that completing a takeoff with SiteWorx/OS is four times faster in comparison with the Carlson software and it is much easier. I highly recommend both programs.”
Barrett Paving Materials, Inc.
Bradley Brinkman, Estimator
New York
“I provide takeoff and estimating services to three different grading contractors. I have been using SiteWorx/OS for over ten years and I use it nearly every day. I have become fast and efficient with the software. SiteWorx/OS is easy to get around in and do things, especially if you get a DWG file. About 20% of the files I work with are AutoCAD DWG files, 40% are vector type PDF files and the other 40% are raster type PDF files. Thankfully, the number of DWG and PDF vector files I’ve been receiving has steadily increased over the years. I much prefer working with the DWG and vector type PDF files. Previously I was the Chief Operating Officer of Jim L. Bost Construction and we used Agtek. SiteWorx/OS is a very good program and a good investment. The return of investment is exceptional especially when considering the initial cost. SiteWorx/OS is ten times faster than performing the takeoff manually and the quantities are accurate. I never had complaints regarding the quantities. Yes, I recommend SiteWorx/OS.”
Bost Construction
Bob B., Owner
North Carolina
“I’ve been using BidScreen XL and SiteWorx/OS for over ten years. Both of these programs meet my needs. I have no desire or need to switch programs. I use the software three times a week during the bidding season and approximately once a week when we’re busy with work. I recommend both programs since they are easy to use and they work. I have used and purchased database programs for estimating in the past such as Heavy Bid and Hard Dollar. I have learned that measuring into Excel with BidScreen and building the estimate in Excel is better, easier and I have much more control of the estimate than the more cumbersome database programs that I have used. For site excavation, doing the takeoff with SiteWorx/OS is easy, it works, and it is the best. Again, I highly recommend both programs.”
Dillon & Semenovich, Inc.
Janine G., Founder and Owner
New York
“I’ve been using SiteWorx/OS since 2009, and I bid approximately one job per month. I am very pleased with SiteWorx; it does what I need it to do. Yes I recommend SiteWorx/OS. In fact I even recommended it to one of my competitors. SiteWorx/OS is a good cut and fill program.”
Jon T., Founder
“Easy to use. Accurate. Significant improvements and enhancements over the years. I strongly recommend SiteWorx/OS.”
Stellar J Corporation
Ed H., Project Manager
“As a professional estimator with over 40 years experience and the past national president of the American Society of Professional Estimators, I have a fairly good idea of estimating and the software available in the marketplace. I have used SiteWorx/OS software since 2008 and currently use it a couple of times a month on projects that have a heavy site work component. SiteWorx/OS is easy, intuitive and accurate. And the upgrades and updates have been excellent. The software continues to improve. I highly recommend SiteWorx/OS since I haven’t found anything better.”
Professional Construction Services, Inc.
Lewis F., Founder and past National President and Fellow of the American Society of Professional Estimators
“As the owner I am not a full time estimator, but every time I use it, it works. SiteWorx/OS is easy and does a good job for me.”
Mike W.
Wince Construction, Inc.
“We are a small site contractor that employs 10 to 12 people that generates around $2.5 million per year in business. We have not had any troubles with SiteWorx/OS. My estimator uses the software 90% of the time. I absolutely recommend it. The family business I branched out from used Quest with a digitizer tablet. SiteWorx/OS is much faster and better than doing takeoffs with a digitizer.”
Wateree Site Services
Andrew S., Owner
South Carolina
“SiteWorx/OS does what we want. It provides quick turn around in obtaining the cut and fill quantities. From start to finish SiteWorx/OS gives me the information I need quickly and accurately. I’ve been using SiteWorx/OS for around 4 years, and it works. Yes, I strongly recommend SiteWox/OS.”
Ramsey Excavating, Inc.
Brian D., Manager
“We bid 20 to 25 jobs a year with SiteWorx/OS on projects that are usually less than five acres. Prior to using SiteWorx/OS, I was doing the takeoffs manually. SiteWorx/OS is the only takeoff program I ever used and I am extremely pleased. It is easy to use and saves me a bunch of time. If I can get the AutoCad file, that is the best since all of the information is imported with a mouse click and no takeoff of individual contour lines and points are required. If I can’t get the AutoCAD file, I prefer the vector type PDF files where a single click takes off the entire line. Yes, without a doubt, I recommend SiteWorx/OS.”
Raggio Excavating, Inc.
Shawn D., Estimator
“I leased SiteWorx/OS for one year. I used it on three large site jobs and we won them all. As a result, I’m busy in the field, and I let the lease expire. SiteWorx/OS is good, accurate software that has helped me out a lot. Leasing the software works for me since I lease it, when I need it. l’ll definitely renew the lease whenever I start bidding again.”
Beritus, Inc.
Eric W.
Clayco, a highly respected contractor with over $2 billion in annual revenues, operates the SiteWorx/OS concurrent use licenses in several offices.
“We use SiteWorx/OS for budgeting excavation costs. I use SiteWorx/OS several times a week to takeoff the excavation quantities on projects ranging from 60 to 150 acres. I use AutoCAD DWG files about half the time and the other half are PDF files with approximate 60% of the PDF files being raster and the rest being vector type PDF files. I have used Agtek in the past, and I have found SiteWorx/OS to be just as accurate at a fraction of the cost. SiteWorx/OS works well and I would recommend it.”
Clayco Construction Company, Inc.
Jared L., Preconstruction Engineer
“As a GC, we do our own site work and estimate approximately 20 projects per year with SiteWorx/OS. I don’t use it every day, but when I do it is easy to use. Absolutely, I would recommend SiteWorx/OS. Vertigraph also offers great support. For what we do, SiteWorx/OS works perfectly.”
Ranco Construction, Inc.
Larry H., Civil Estimator
New Jersey
“I’ve been using SiteWorx/OS since 2013. I can’t think of any improvements needed. It is good just the way it is. I have used Agtek, Quest and ViewPoint in the past and SiteWorx/OS is easier, just as powerful and a fraction of the cost of these other programs. Support is good and you guys always answer the phone. I’m a contractor, not a computer guy, and I’ve found that Vertigraph and SiteWorx/OS provides the best value for the money.”
DDH Construction Group, LLC
Doug H., Owner
“SiteWorx/OS works well and it is easy. I’ve been using SiteWorx for over 5 years. I have used Trimble software in the past and SiteWorx/OS is much easier while providing similar information. I recommend SiteWorx/OS whenever anybody is looking for a quality cut and fill program.”
Torco Enterprises
Brian T.
“As the owner, I use both BidScreen XL and SiteWorx/OS for bidding Electrical substations. I bid approximately six or seven jobs a month and use both programs for each bid. I absolutely love both programs equally. These programs drive our growths, make us competitive and I’m very busy as a result. Right now I’m doing 25 jobs, and it is now much more competitive than it was. I used to bid against three contractors, now, there as many as nine. I’m able to handle it because of the Vertigraph software. Kudos. For the money and ease of use, the Vertigraph software is perfect. Great programs.”
GA Cox Co. Inc.
Shane C., Owner
“SiteWorx/OS is good software. It works”
Sora Contractors, Ltd.
Bill W., Estimator