Listing Of Available Takeoff Software For Site Excavation With Pricing

This white paper, prepared July 2022 by Vertigraph, discloses all of the 3D modeling, quantity takeoff software available for calculating excavation quantities.  The quantity takeoff is faster, easier and much more accurate, compared with a manual takeoff, when any of these products are employed.

The following products are listed herewith, in no particular order:

1.       Roctek’s WinEx Grade and WinEx Master

2.       Trimble Business Center

3.       Mudshark

4.       Insite Elevation Pro

5.       Vertigraph’s SiteWorx/OS

6.       Agtek

7.       Trakware’s Earthworks

8.       Carlson Takeoff

9.       Ground Rules

10.      Viewpoint Site Excavation Takeoff

11.      AutoDesk’s Civil 3D

All excavation takeoff software shows the location and volumes of soil movements (i.e., cuts and fills) by creating 3D surface models of the existing and proposed sites.  The volumes of soil movements are calculated from the differences between the existing and proposed surface models.  It appears that most programs have similar features, capabilities and accuracy while creating files for machine control.  After evaluating features, ease of use, support and the company’s track record in delivering enhancements; the final, and maybe most important criteria, is the cost to license, train and support the software.

The cost of the programs vary significantly.  Since pricing is rarely disclosed, this listing unveils the cost to license and maintain the programs. Nowadays, programs are licensed by an initial charge (aka perpetual license) with annual support/update fees or under a subscription where the support and updates are included in the annual subscription fee. If any brand of software is omitted, or if any information has changed or is incorrect, please let us know so that we can amend this white paper.

Roctek, WinEx Grade and WinEx Master

Based on the features disclosed on its website, the WinEx Master version appears competitive with most of the software listed here.  Roctek offers two products for excavation takeoff: WinEx Grade and WinEx Master. The Master version has machine control features that are not available in the Grade version.  Roctek provides a listing of authorized Dealers on its website.  It appears many of the dealers no longer offer the software.  One of its dealers, Michael Fiducia of Accordant disclosed pricing.  The Roctek website is limited because it does not provide tutorials, pricing or evaluation software.

Cost to License Roctek software for site excavation takeoff:

WinEx Grade with 1 year of support, perpetual license, initial charge – $ 5,470

WinEx Master with 1 year of support, perpetual license, initial charge – $ 8,550

Annual support/update fees for WinEx Grade, after first year – $ 520

Annual support/support fees for WinEx Master, after first year – $ 600


Trimble Business Center

Talked to the Dallas, Texas reseller, Shea Huckaby who provided information on the software cost.  Shea disclosed that the purchase of Trimble Business Center (”TBC”) requires the purchase of training.

Based on several TBC demos and comments received from TBC users, the program appears more complicated than it needs to be with too many options and requirements. The software layout is intimidating. There are hundreds of commands, tabs, and options.  Certain commands are combined into functions that TBC calls tools.  Good luck in understanding Filter Control, Site Improvement Manager, Boring Log Excel Import tools, and many of the other complex commands and tools.  TBC is cumbersome and the investment you’ll need to make in on-going training does not justify the unwarranted complexity of the program.  There may be some features in the program that some users enjoy, like downloading the material stack to a cell phone, but these tools do not justify the cost or complexity of the program.

Cost to License Trimble Business Center:

Trimble Business Center perpetual license, initial charge – $ 9,370

Annual cost of support and updates with the perpetual license – $ 1,450

or, annual cost of subscription, which does not include the required training – $ 3,700

Cost for the required two-day training class – $ 1,800


Mudshark from Australia

Mudshark, based in Australia, has an informative website with pricing clearly disclosed.

Mudshark with Trench appears to be competitive based on the features disclosed on its website.

Cost to License Mudshark:

Annual cost of Mudshark with Trench subscription – $ 3,000


InSite Software

InSite has consistently improved its takeoff software over the years.  InSite appears to have the features that most of the other programs offer.  Like Agtek, a vehicle can be driven around the 3D surface model.  This buggy is clever, but it does not improve the accuracy, speed or substance of the takeoff however.  The InSite software website does not provide working software downloads or tutorials. As a result, like most other vendors, you’ll need to talk to salesperson to obtain the required information.

Cost to License Insite Elevation Pro:

Annual cost of Insite Elevation Pro subscription – $ 3,540


SiteWorx/OS by Vertigraph

Vertigraph has prepared this white paper.  As a result, please critically evaluate SiteWorx/OS with all of the other takeoff and estimating solutions.  Based on the review of the takeoff software available, SiteWorx/OS appears to have all of the features required while being easiest to use and learn at the most affordable price. The Vertigraph web site is the most informative because working evaluation software can be downloaded, pricing is clearly displayed and demos/tutorials are readily available.

Cost to License Vertigraph’s SiteWorx/OS:

Perpetual license with one year of support, updates and training, initial cost – $ 2,795

Annual cost for support, updates and training for perpetual license – $ 150

or, annual cost of SiteWorx/OS subscription that includes support, training and updates – $ 1,295


Pricing is not provided on the Agtek website.  Agtek has provided quantity takeoff software for as long as anyone in the industry. Agtek was acquired by Hexagon AB, a Swedish company, in 2018. There are many versions of Agtek including Gradework, Sitework 4D, Materials, Underground and Highway.  Agtek’s Gradework appears to be popular with many of the larger excavation contractors.  Based on our conversations with users, Agtek is viewed as a good product.   The big problem with Agtek is the ridiculous cost.  An Agtek employee provided pricing information for the Gradework product.

Agtek is known as the most expensive product in the industry.  The founder and past president of Agtek has stated that Agtek will always be the highest priced product in the market regardless of the competition.  If anybody raises their price, Agtek will raise the price even more he stated.  He believes that the investment in takeoff software, by contractors who own equipment valued in the millions with over $20 million in annual revenues, should be at least $25,000. Even at this high price, the return on investment is substantial he stated.  He may have a point.

Vertigraph is frequently told by users that are familiar with Agtek, that Vertigraph’s SiteWorx/OS quantity takeoff software is easier to use than Agtek; easier to understand, does most everything Agtek does at a fraction of the cost.  Please compare.

Cost to License Agtek Gradework:

Initial cost of Gradework perpetual license – $ 22,000

Annual support costs for perpetual license – $ 1,200

or, cost per year under license subscription – $ 7,300

Required training priced at $500 per session, 3 sessions recommended – $ 1,500


EarthWorks by Trakware

Trakware appears to have several different websites that causes confusion since the information is not consistent between the websites.   It appears is the newer of the three websites but this page does not provide tutorials or pricing.  Cost to license the software was obtained from There is no information provided on the website about the required cost for support, training and updates.

Based on comments received from many users, EarthWork works OK but it is a dated product that does not have the look or feel of a modern Windows application.  It appears the number of updates and enhancements are much more limited than most of the other takeoff applications.  An old-school hardware dongle, which can be lost or stolen, must be plugged into a USB port in order to operate the software. Trakware claims the software is easy on the budget and is affordable.  But the cost to license and the cost for support is not disclosed anywhere on its main website. In summary, it appears this program was originally designed in the DOS environment and many other programs are currently using newer, more modern, technology at a fraction of the cost.

Cost to License Trakware EarthWorks:

Cost for EarthWorks perpetual license that reads AutoCAD files – $ 4,500

Cost of required training, support and updates – Not disclosed


Carlson Takeoff

Like most of the other websites, pricing is not clearly disclosed and working takeoff software is not available.  We understand that Carlson Takeoff product is very confusing and complicated.  The user manual for Carlson 2012, which covers all of its products, is 3,571 pages long. Yes, 3,571 pages.  Thankfully, the takeoff module is much shorter.  It appears that the typical contractor will struggle to get this product implemented easily at a reasonable cost.

In reviewing the software via the available videos, the software has too many icons and tools. It is not intuitive.  Please review the videos pertaining to a takeoff from an AutoCAD.DWG file and comparing this Carlson methodology with the ease of use offered by Vertigraph’s SiteWorx/OS software.

The cost to license was found

Cost to License Carlson Takeoff:

Cost for Carlson Takeoff perpetual license – $ 7,500

Annual cost for support and updates – $ 750


Ground Rules EarthWork Estimating Software

The website is limited since pricing, working software and tutorials are not available.

Pricing information was obtained by Cynthia at Ground Rules. Ground Rules works with PDF files but not AutoCAD files.  Creating the takeoff from PDF files is much more time consuming and less accurate in comparison with AutoCAD DWG files.  Cynthia told me that if I get a DWG file, I’ll need to take this DWG file to any Staples office store and have Staples convert the DWG file to a PDF file at a nominal cost so I could use the PDF file with Ground Rules. Not being able to import contour lines and point elevations directly from an AutoCAD file is critical and makes this product non-competitive with other solutions in the marketplace.  Most programs that import AutoCAD elevations will usually complete the takeoff from a 100-acre site in less than 15 minutes.  Since Ground Rules cannot read an AutoCAD file with the valuable AutoCAD elevation import feature, this program is non-competitive with the other software solutions available.

Cost to License Ground Rules:

Cost of perpetual Ground Rules software license, one-time charge – $ 3,300

Cost of optional updates and enhancements for perpetual license – $ 550


Viewpoint Site Excavation Takeoff

The web site is very limited in terms of pricing, videos and information about Viewpoint’s takeoff and estimating solutions.

The quantity takeoff and estimating software sold by Viewpoint has been passed around over the years.  Originally the takeoff and estimating software was sold under the Construction Estimating Institute brand, then was then sold under the Quest label, then purchased by Maxwell, then purchased by Viewpoint.  Viewpoint has been recently sold to Trimble.

Historically this takeoff software company made its mark by selling digitizer tablets bundled with its takeoff software at the construction related trade shows such as ConExpo and the World of Concrete. Quest/Maxwell always had a large booth hard-selling the digitizer tablets with its software.  The software appeared vastly overpriced, over-sold and rarely lived up to the customer’s expectations.  There was always better software available at a fraction of the cost.  But through their questionable sales tactics, they sold a lot of digitizers and software.  If you used a digitizer in the past, many have purchased the digitizer tablet through a hard sale at a Quest/Maxwell tradeshow booth.

When Viewpoint purchased the Maxwell brand, the aggressive over selling appears to have decreased. It appears Viewpoint was seeking a takeoff and estimating solution that could be bundled with its construction accounting management program.  It appears Trimble purchased this Viewpoint product portfolio for the accounting and project management software, not for the quantity takeoff since the takeoff portion of the Viewpoint product competes directly with Trimble’s own Business Center product.

Nowadays, it appears the takeoff and estimating products are not marketed or sold separately from the entire Viewpoint product suite.  It appears that Viewpoint no longer supplies takeoff software as a stand-alone product.


Cost to License Viewpoint Site Excavation Takeoff software:

Not available and it appears the software is no longer sold by Trimble as a stand-alone program


Civil 3D from Autodesk

Civil 3D from Autodesk is primarily used for design rather than quantity takeoff.  When obtaining a PDF drawing, Civil 3D requires the redesign of the PDF file in order to generate an AutoCAD DWG file.  Although a takeoff can be created, this program is generally not used by general and excavation contractors; the software is used more by engineers to create the grading plans.

Cost to License Civil 3D from Autodesk:

Licensed as a subscription at $2,550 per year, $320 monthly or $7,270 paid every three years.


If searching for quantity takeoff software, please use this guide to research all of the products available.  After evaluating the features, capabilities, ease of use and pricing of all of the products, you’ll find that Vertigraph’s SiteWorx/OS is the best solution for most contractors at the most affordable price.

Whenever licensing takeoff software, please make sure the software is sold with a thirty-day satisfaction guarantee.  Realistically, you won’t understand the features, ease of use and support until you use the software.  Generally, it takes the completion of two or three jobs before fully understanding the software, its ease of use and its capabilities.

Any questions or comments regarding this white paper, please contact Vertigraph at 214-340-9436 or visit